making comics course
The comic book is a relatively young art form, that developed in the US during the early decades of the previous century, later in Europe and more recently in Japan. Today an enormous diversity of comics are produced and pubished all over the world.
In this course, topics such as character design, facial expression, body language, anatomy, panel composition,, scenario, story boarding, page layout and developing a personal style are addressed. We will use Scott McCloud's famous book (baring the same name as the course) for our course book.
The course will have a minimum block of four 2½-hour weekly classes in which the fundamentals are addressed and practised. Subquent blocks can be scheduled if wanted. After a max of 3 blocks students can still drop by for free feedback on the progress of their work.
Since this is a beginners course, no previous training is required. But a passion for (some) comics and/or drawing would make sense ..
The price of the course is 340 Euro (for a block of 4 classes). The weekly classes are scheduled on weekend days. Minimum number of participants: 3. For the next start see our monthly time table on the school's SM pages, or request a start by email.